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Medical Spas and the First Visit

Medical spas combine medical clinics with day spas. Medical spas must be run by a professional in the medical field. Medical spas specialize in skin rejuvenation and other treatments that include laser hair removal, chemical peels, photofacials, and microdermabraision. The medical spa gives patients a more youthful appearance. Medical spas can help treat fine the lines and wrinkles customers have. Medical spas differ from traditional spas because they do not offer salt water pools, jacuzzis, steam rooms, or showers. The medical spas include soft music and refreshments.

It is important to find out if a doctor owns the medical spa. There are some doctors who just lend their names to medical spas but are never present. If a spa is legal, a doctor will always oversee the procedures. Because medical technology is always changing, you must make certain that the equipment is the latest and painless. It is important to check with your primary care physician before you try medical spas. Not all the medical procedures are for everyone and can be dangerous. Find out if medical spa treatment is right for you.

Patients need to do their research to make sure that trained and qualified professionals are working the medical spas. Therapist must provide photos and examples of their work prior to your treatment. People are individuals when it comes to alternative skin treatment. Please find out the cost of the skin treatments and how many treatments you will need. Many of the laws regarding medical spas are determined by each individual state. For example, in the state of New Jersey a physician must be licensed, own the spa, and oversee the treatment. Many Medical spas, check out Ethos Spa, Skin and Laser Center, are decorated in themes like European or Rain Forest.

Medical spas are opening up all over the world. There might be one in your own neighborhood. Medical spas can be known as medispas or medspa. Concierge Medical Spa is the first mobile medical spa. Clients can get spa treatment without leaving home. The medical spa idea is a product of the 21st century.

People do not necessarily need to be seeking a more youthful appearance to use medical spas. Many dermatologists suggest that patients with acne breakouts try medical spas. Chemical peels and microdermabrasion can heal acne and acne scars.

For your safety, first time spa visitors must fill out a form about their allergies and medical history. The staff of the medical spa will want to know if you use tanning spas, how many days a week do you exercise, your health, and your medical history. Patients are under HiPPA that explains patient’s rights. The physician will interview you before getting any treatment. The physician will want to know about any treatments you had in the past month, what are the current products you are using and how often. Before going to the medical spas, leave your jewelry at home. Clients who recently used aspirin need to wait to postpone injections because aspirin can thin blood. Patients using Retinol A need to hold off on chemical peels.

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