Home / Health / Which benefits of vaping eliquids versus smoking cigarettes are you likely to enjoy?

Which benefits of vaping eliquids versus smoking cigarettes are you likely to enjoy?

Anyone who smokes cigarettes and has not yet switched to vaping eliquids instead may be a little ignorant as to the benefits they may get from doing so.


In fact, there are many reasons so many people have now switched from cigarettes to vaping eliquids from sites like eliquiduk.com. Reasons they find to be far more beneficial to their lives than they ever had when smoking cigarettes.

No longer a social pariah — The biggest reason former smokers often give for being happy they no longer smoke cigarettes is that they no longer feel like a social pariah.


With so many places now banning smokers, or asking smokers to go outside, smoking is not as pleasant as it used to be. With so many people quitting smoking as well, smokers can often find themselves in a group of people and be the only smoker.


This makes them feel like a social pariah, especially when they have to leave the group to go outside for a cigarette.


Switch to vaping eliquids, however, and suddenly you are no longer the outcast you have been for much of your adult life.


Able to breathe better — Within a few weeks of vaping eliquids instead of smoking cigarettes, many people say they suddenly notice how much easier it is to take deep breathes.


This also translates to being able to walk faster, to run and to be able to climb stairs.


Vaping eliquids does not have the same negative effect on your lung capacity as does smoking cigarettes. Consider that if you are considering quitting smoking and moving to vaping eliquids instead.


You will save money — The cost of a bottle of eliquid is cheaper than a pack of cigarettes. Depending on the size of the bottle you buy, it can be much cheaper per smoke.


Former smokers that move on to vaping eliquids instead of cigarettes are often astounded at how much money they save over a typical year. So much so, some people are finally able to afford to go on that holiday they could not afford in the past.


Sweeter smelling clothes, hair and homes — People can usually tell when someone smokes as their clothes, hair, and breath do not smell very pleasant.


This strong smell of smoke and nicotine is usually able to be smelled in the home of a smoker as well. So much so, friends and family may not want to come and visit as your house smells so bad.


Once you quit smoking and move on to vaping eliquids instead, however, you may suddenly notice people willing to hang out in your home.


Others may enjoy spending more time with you over dinner, or may enjoy going on holiday with you now they do not have to put up with the nasty smell of smoke in your hair and clothes.


Smokers also pass on second-hand smoke to others and, as other people do not want to smell like you, they will often stay away from you. That will no longer be the case when you are vaping eliquids instead.

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