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Tips to help you rid your home of cockroaches once and for all

Do you have cockroaches in your home? Is this a first time occurrence? If so, you probably do not have any experience in ridding your home of pests like this.

Do not worry though, there are several things you can do that will ensure you rid your home of cockroaches for good.

Clean counter tops and remove any food — Cockroaches arrive in your home looking for food. They will find it in most homes as counter tops are often littered with crumbs and plates hold leftover food.

Your first step towards getting rid of cockroaches in your home should be to remove all food sources. This includes cleaning your counter tops with a disinfectant, putting any loose food away in storage counters and cleaning cupboard shelves of any possible crumbs.

Clean behind your refrigerator — Few people ever move their fridges and clean behind them, so crumbs and other pieces of old food end up stuck there.

Move your fridge, make sure you sweep and mop every inch of the floor behind it and then wipe down the refrigerator top and sides with a cloth dipped in water and vinegar/

Close off entry points — Cockroaches get into your home through many different entry points. These can be holes under sinks, in cupboards, in the attic and even in your basement.

First, check every inch of your home and seal up any possible entry points. You can do this with duct tape and a silicone sealant. Remember, a cockroach can enter your home in a half inch gap, so be sure to seal every possible entrance.

Once all entry points are sealed, check under doors leading to the outside. If you are able to see light coming from under the door, a cockroach can gain entrance. Attach a vinyl door sweep to each outside door and that will prevent any cockroach getting under it.

Use an over-the counter pesticide — There are many different brands of pesticide that are suitable for home use and effective against cockroaches.

Read reviews online and choose the most highly reviewed product.

Hire a professional pest control service — The best way to completely rid your home of cockroaches, however, is to hire a professional pest control service like pest control Bondi.

Not only can these services eliminate cockroaches from your home in just a few hours, they can make sure they are never able to return.

If you want to be sure your home is sprayed with a safe pesticide, this type of service is a must. They know what pesticide is the most effective against cockroaches, as well as the one that is the safest product to use in areas with human habitation.


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